7 Simplify the expression below.

7 to the 2nd power − 9 + 1to the 3rd power 3

A 37
B 39
C 41
D 43 *IF ANYONE HAS ALL OF THE RIGHT ANSWERS FOR THE Unit 4 Alternative Portfolio Answer Sheet, GIVE THEM TO ME!!!!!PLEASE!!!

7^2 - 9 = 49-9 = 40

I have no idea what "1to the 3rd power 3" means

But it appears you meant 1^3 * 3, if your answer is 43

Oh. I think that was a typo

To simplify the given expression, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction).

Given expression: 7^2 - 9 + 1^3 * 3

Step 1: Evaluate the exponents.
7^2 = 7 * 7 = 49
1^3 = 1

After evaluating the exponents, the expression becomes: 49 - 9 + 1 * 3

Step 2: Perform multiplication.
1 * 3 = 3

After performing the multiplication, the expression becomes: 49 - 9 + 3

Step 3: Perform addition and subtraction.
49 - 9 = 40
40 + 3 = 43

Therefore, the simplified expression is 43.

So, the correct answer is option D: 43.

4 people saw this, ANSWER ME, PLEASE!!:(

Would someone please give me the answers?... :(....for the connexus unit 4 alternative math portfolio, please!!

Oh, ok you answered me, it BETTER be right, and thanks. I think the extra 3 was a typo...

You were incorrect, the answer is 39. Your answer: 40, wasn't even an answer choice, I figured that out on my own. ._.