connections academy : purpose and point of view quick check!!

1- the authors reason for writing
2- the author’s attitude toward the topic
3- by presenting facts to teach their readers about a topic
4- follow the recommended guidelines of daily caffeine consumption to maintain a healthy lifestyle
good luck 💗

<3 is right! , thanks :)

so people can find it ;))

What is the definition of the authors purpose? (1 point)

To answer the questions regarding the purpose and point of view of Connections Academy, we need to consider the context. Connections Academy is an online school or virtual academy that provides K-12 education to students.

1. The author's reason for writing about Connections Academy is to inform readers about its purpose and point of view. This may be done to give an overview to potential students, parents, or educators who want to understand the goals and objectives of Connections Academy.

2. Since we don't have specific information about the author's attitude toward the topic, we can assume that it is informative and objective. It is expected that the author presents a neutral standpoint, focusing on providing facts and information about Connections Academy, rather than expressing personal opinions or biases.

3. While it is uncertain whether the purpose of Connections Academy is solely to present facts to teach readers, it can be presumed that the academy provides an interactive and informative learning environment. This may include presenting facts, teaching concepts, and engaging students through various instructional methods suitable for online education.

4. The statement about following recommended guidelines of daily caffeine consumption does not seem directly related to Connections Academy. It is important to note that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for students, but Connections Academy's primary purpose is likely focused on providing online education rather than advising on personal habits like caffeine consumption.

In order to find specific answers to these questions, it would be beneficial to refer to official resources or documentation provided by Connections Academy themselves, such as their website or official publications.