The inside of an oven is set to rise to a temperature of 298mc005-1.jpgF. So far it has risen 76% of this amount.

Which would be the best way to estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far?

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The best way to estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far would be to find 80% of 300. This is true because 76 rounds to 80 and 298 rounds to 300.

To estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far, you can use the percentage given and the original temperature. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Find the percentage of the original temperature that the inside of the oven has risen by multiplying the original temperature (298°F) by the given percentage (76%):

Rise = Original Temperature * Percentage
Rise = 298°F * 0.76

2. Calculate the rise by performing the multiplication:

Rise = 226.48°F

Therefore, the estimated number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far is approximately 226.48°F.