Lesson 6: Exploring Two-Step Problems Math 7 A Unit 5: Equations and Inequalities: Evaluate. 6r + 7 for r = 1.2 I cant figure it out

For 7 A 1D 2A 3A 4C

the variable name r is just a place holder. You can replace it with whatever value you want. So, if r=1.2,

6r + 7 = 6*1.2 + 7 = 7.2 + 7 = 14.2

anyone have all the answers 😑

Thank you YEET

To evaluate the expression 6r + 7 for a given value of r, you need to substitute the value of r into the expression and simplify.

In this case, you are given r = 1.2. So, substitute this value into the expression:

6(1.2) + 7

Now, simplify the expression by performing the multiplication first:

7.2 + 7

Finally, add the two numbers:

7.2 + 7 = 14.2

Therefore, when r = 1.2, the value of the expression 6r + 7 is 14.2.