In a four-year period, about 80,000 acres of coastal wetlands in the United States are lost each year. What integer represents the total change in coastal wetlands?

To calculate the total change in coastal wetlands over a four-year period, you need to multiply the annual loss by the number of years.

Annual loss of coastal wetlands: 80,000 acres
Number of years: 4

To find the total change, multiply the annual loss by the number of years:

Total change = annual loss × number of years
Total change = 80,000 acres/year × 4 years

Calculating the total change:

Total change = 320,000 acres

Therefore, the integer that represents the total change in coastal wetlands over a four-year period is 320,000 acres.

To find the total change in coastal wetlands over a four-year period, we need to calculate the loss in wetland acres each year and then sum them up.

Given that approximately 80,000 acres of coastal wetlands are lost each year, we can multiply this loss per year by the number of years (4) to get the total change.

So, to find the total change in coastal wetlands over a four-year period, we calculate:

Total Change = Loss per Year * Number of Years
= 80,000 acres/year * 4 years
= 320,000 acres.

Therefore, the total change in coastal wetlands over a four-year period is 320,000 acres.

What are your choices?

4 * 80,000 = ?

In a four-year period, about 80,000 acres of coastal wetlands in the United States are lost each year. What integer represents the total change in coastal wetlands?