1.What was the name of the agreement between small and large States that provided proportional representation by population in the lower house and equal representation by state in the senate?

C. Great compromise

2.Which did Georgia support for the U.S. constitution? select all that apply
A. Creating a strong central government
D. Replacing the articles of confederation altogether

3. James Madison introduced the Virginia plan, which later became the framework for
C. The Federalist papers.

4. Who were the 2 delegates from Georgia who signed the U.S. constitution?
A. Abraham Baldwin and William few
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So basically


1. The agreement between small and large states that provided proportional representation by population in the lower house and equal representation by state in the senate is known as the Great Compromise. To get this answer, you can study the history of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and the debates surrounding the formation of the United States government.

2. Georgia supported A. Creating a strong central government and D. Replacing the Articles of Confederation altogether for the U.S. Constitution. To arrive at this answer, you can research Georgia's stance on the Constitution by examining historical documents, such as letters, speeches, and debates, from Georgia's representatives during the Constitutional Convention.

3. The Virginia Plan, introduced by James Madison, became the framework for the U.S. Constitution. To find this answer, you can study the history of the Constitutional Convention and the various plans proposed by the states during the drafting of the Constitution.

4. The two delegates from Georgia who signed the U.S. Constitution were Abraham Baldwin and William Few. To determine this answer, you can refer to historical records, such as the signatures on the original U.S. Constitution document or biographies of the delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention from Georgia.