what different between positive and negative shapes? please help me .tomorrow, i have test.

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Positive and negative shapes refer to the relationship between the subject and the surrounding space in an artwork. Positive shape is the actual object or subject being depicted, while negative shape is the space around and between the objects. Understanding this concept is important in visual arts such as drawing, painting, and sculpture.

To distinguish between positive and negative shapes, follow these steps:

1. Look at the subject: Identify the main objects or figures in the artwork. These are the positive shapes.

2. Observe the surrounding space: Pay attention to the areas surrounding the main objects. These empty areas, or the space created between the objects, are the negative shapes.

3. Analyze the relationship: Compare the positive shapes with the negative shapes. Positive shapes are often more recognizable and defined, while negative shapes are usually more subtle and ambiguous.

4. Use contrast: Notice the contrast between the positive and negative shapes. They should be visually distinct from one another to create a balanced composition.

When studying for your test, it can be helpful to practice identifying positive and negative shapes in different artworks or photographs. Look for examples of where the positive shapes are dominant, and other instances where the negative shapes play a more significant role. Understanding this contrast will enable you to analyze artworks and create your compositions effectively.

Good luck on your test tomorrow!