I really need help

The cost of 3 blankets and 2 pillows is $310. If the blanket cost $20 more than the pillow, write an equation to model the situation so that we can find the cost of the pillow and the blanket.

. A veterinarian is changing the diets of two animals, Simba and Cuddles. Simba currently consumes 1200 Calories per day. That number will increase by 100 Calories each day. Cuddles currently consumes 3230 Calories a day. That number will decrease by 190 Calories each day. The patterns will continue until both animals are consuming the same number of Calories each day. Write an equation to model the situation so that we can find how many days until both animals are consuming the same amount of calories.

v3-o=9078. Your welcome!

To solve problems like these, it is helpful to break down the given information and translate it into mathematical equations.

For the first problem:

Let's represent the cost of a pillow as P and the cost of a blanket as B.

We know that the cost of 3 blankets is 3B, and the cost of 2 pillows is 2P. The total cost of the 3 blankets and 2 pillows is $310.

So, we can write an equation based on the given information:

3B + 2P = 310

We also know that the cost of a blanket is $20 more than the cost of a pillow. This can be expressed as:

B = P + 20

Now we have two equations:

3B + 2P = 310
B = P + 20

By substituting the value of B from the second equation into the first equation, we can solve for the values of P and B simultaneously.

For the second problem:

Let's represent the number of days as D.

We know that Simba currently consumes 1200 Calories per day, and that number increases by 100 Calories each day. So the number of Calories Simba consumes after D days can be represented as:

1200 + 100D

For Cuddles, we are told that he currently consumes 3230 Calories a day, and that number decreases by 190 Calories each day. So the number of Calories Cuddles consumes after D days can be represented as:

3230 - 190D

We want to find how many days until both animals are consuming the same amount of Calories, so we set the two expressions equal to each other:

1200 + 100D = 3230 - 190D

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of D when both animals will be consuming the same amount of Calories.

see your earlier post.