
expand the parenthesis to

7u-21 + 2u=-30
combine the u's, add 21 to each side.

To expand the parentheses, you need to distribute the coefficient of 7 to both terms inside the parentheses. That means you multiply both 7 and (u-3) by 7:

7(u-3) = 7u - 21

Now that we have expanded the parentheses, the equation becomes:

7u - 21 + 2u = -30

Next, you have to combine the like terms. In this case, the like terms are the terms with 'u'. Add 7u and 2u together:

7u + 2u = 9u

Now, the equation becomes:

9u - 21 = -30

To isolate the term with 'u', you need to get rid of the constant term -21 on the left side. To do this, you add 21 to both sides of the equation:

9u - 21 + 21 = -30 + 21

Simplifying, you get:

9u = -9

Finally, to solve for 'u', divide both sides of the equation by 9:

(9u)/9 = -9/9

This simplifies to:
u = -1

So, the solution to the equation is u = -1.