Identify the clause as a noun clause (N) or an adjectival clause (A)

"What most people associate with Saturn" are the rings around the planet.

this is a noun clause

"What most people associate with Saturn" is an adjectival clause (A) because it functions as an adjective and modifies the noun "rings."

To identify whether the clause is a noun clause (N) or an adjectival clause (A), we need to determine the function of the clause in the sentence.

In the given sentence, the clause "What most people associate with Saturn" is functioning as the subject of the sentence. It is referring to the thing that is being discussed.

In this case, the clause is acting as a noun clause (N) because it is functioning as the subject of the sentence. It is replacing a single noun that would typically be used as the subject.

To identify the clause's function, it's important to analyze the roles it plays within the sentence.