sing the following conversions between the metric and U.S. systems, convert the measurement.

Round your answer to 6 decimal places as needed

1 meter ~ 3.28 feet
1 Liter ≈ 0.26 gallons
1 kilogram ≈ 2.20 pounds

26.322 hL ≈ ? pt

I've done several of these for you already. Where do you get stuck on this one?

... and why do I have to sing the conversions?

To convert 26.322 hL to pt (pints), we need to follow these conversion steps:

Step 1: Convert hL to L (liters)
Since 1 hL is equal to 100 L, we multiply 26.322 by 100:
26.322 hL * 100 L/hL = 2632.2 L

Step 2: Convert L to gallons
Since 1 L is approximately equal to 0.26 gallons, we multiply 2632.2 by 0.26:
2632.2 L * 0.26 gallons/L = 683.272 gallons

Step 3: Convert gallons to pints
Since 1 gallon is equal to 8 pints, we multiply 683.272 by 8:
683.272 gallons * 8 pt/gallon = 5466.176 pints

Therefore, 26.322 hL is approximately equal to 5466.176 pints (rounded to 6 decimal places).