Durning those trips alone among the demons, Fathers and I learned things about one another; and more, we learned about being a father and a son...

How does this passage show the types of problems Chinese immigrants faced in the early 1900s?

I need help does anybody know the answer??

To understand how this passage shows the types of problems Chinese immigrants faced in the early 1900s, it is important to analyze the context and historical background. During the early 1900s, Chinese immigrants in various parts of the world, including the United States, faced significant challenges and discrimination.

In this passage, the mention of "trips alone among the demons" implies that the narrator, who is likely a Chinese immigrant, feels isolated and surrounded by hostile or unsympathetic individuals or circumstances. This could be a metaphor for the discrimination and xenophobia experienced by Chinese immigrants during that time.

Furthermore, the reference to "Fathers" could suggest a generational aspect, highlighting the relationship between the narrator and his father. The learning and understanding that takes place between the two of them may symbolize the challenges faced by Chinese immigrants in reconciling their cultural identity with their new environment, particularly in terms of their roles as fathers and sons.

Overall, this passage serves as a poignant reflection on the difficulties faced by Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s, including the sense of isolation, the need to navigate a new and unfamiliar culture, and the struggles of maintaining familial relationships in the face of external pressures.