On January 1, 1984 there were 548 more commercial television stations than educational stations in the United States. There were 831 commercial television stations. How many television stations were there in 1984?

I think the answer is 1114 stations. Is that correct?


831 commercial stations and
283 educational stations

is 831-283 = 548 ? YES
is 831 + 283 = 1114 ?

does the question mark mean you aren't sure, because I want to be sure and not get this wrong.


Will someone else BESIDES Rieny please help me?

Rieny are you SURE this is right. I'm going to put this down but I don't want to get it wrong, either!

was away from the computer, yes, you are right.

To calculate the total number of television stations in 1984, we need to add the number of commercial stations and the number of educational stations. We know that on January 1, 1984, there were 548 more commercial television stations than educational stations, and there were 831 commercial television stations.

To find the number of educational stations, we can subtract the given difference of 548 from the number of commercial stations.

831 commercial stations - 548 = 283 educational stations.

To calculate the total number of television stations, we add the commercial and educational stations:

831 commercial stations + 283 educational stations = 1114 television stations.

So, your calculation is correct! In 1984, there were 1114 television stations in the United States.