Generate a close-up image of an old-fashioned dictionary with worn, textured pages. The word 'etymology' should be in focus, presumably in an old-style font. Around this word, please integrate a creative mix of images and symbols that visually narrate the history and evolution of language. Consider including pictures like ancient scrolls, a feather quill, stone tablets, hieroglyphs, and a printing press to underscore the evolution.

What is etymology? (1 point)

the pronunciation of a word

the spelling of a word

the history of a word

the part of speech of a word***
What do etymological patterns help readers do?(1 point)

define words

pronounce words***

organize words

spell words
What is true about all words with the root aer?(1 point)

They will all have the same meaning.***

They will all sound the same.

They relate to breathing.

They relate to air.

1.the history of a word

2.etymological patterns
3.They relate to air.
4.a signal that is heard

It changed a bit -.-

answers are

1 the history of a word
2 define words
3 They relate to air.
4 a signal that can be heard
100% for connexus Etymological Spelling Patterns Quick Check

1.the history of a word

2.etymological patterns
3.They relate to air.
4.a signal that is heard
100% for Connexus
Credit goes to LETSSGO

Yeet is correct I got 100% thanks

LETSSGOO ty 100%

Yeet is correct. 100%


Thanks LETSSGOO :)

Thank you so much LETSSGOO I got 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks, @Nobody !!!