last one !! please help?

Salma is going to rent a truck for one day. There are two companies she can choose from, and they have the following prices.
Company A charges $120 and allows unlimited mileage.
Company B has an initial fee of $75 and charges an additional $0.90 for every mile driven.
For what mileages will Company A charge less than Company B?
Use m for the number of miles driven, and solve your inequality for m.

120 < 75 + .9 m

To determine the mileages for which Company A charges less than Company B, we need to set up an inequality using the given information.

Let's say Company A charges less than Company B when:
Company A price < Company B price

Company A charges $120 and allows unlimited mileage. This means that the price for Company A does not depend on the number of miles driven.

Company B, on the other hand, has an initial fee of $75 and charges an additional $0.90 for every mile driven. Hence, the price for Company B can be calculated as:
Company B price = $75 + ($0.90 * m), where m represents the number of miles driven.

So, we can set up the inequality as follows:
120 < 75 + 0.90m

To solve this inequality for m, we can simplify it by subtracting 75 from both sides:
45 < 0.90m

Next, divide both sides by 0.90 to isolate m:
45 / 0.90 < m

Simplifying further, we have:
50 < m

Thus, the inequality for the mileages where Company A charges less than Company B is m > 50. In other words, if Salma drives more than 50 miles, Company A will charge less than Company B.