Where did the historians who wrote state and national history books get the information for their accounts?

Group of answer choices

from local people who told their stories

from historical markers ()

from legends and myths

from other history books

Historians who write state and national history books gather information for their accounts from a variety of sources. This can include:

1. Primary Sources: Historians rely on primary sources such as diaries, letters, official documents, photographs, and artifacts from the time period they are studying. These sources provide firsthand accounts and evidence from the people who lived during that period.

2. Secondary Sources: Historians also consult secondary sources, which are books, articles, and scholarly works written by other historians. This helps them build on existing research and interpretations of historical events.

3. Archival Records: Historians often conduct extensive research in archives, which are repositories of documents, records, and materials that have been preserved. These archives can be found in libraries, museums, governmental institutions, and historical societies.

4. Oral History: Historians may interview individuals who have personal experiences or knowledge relevant to the historical events being studied. This helps to gather unique perspectives and stories that may not be found in written records.

5. Archaeological Evidence: In some cases, historians rely on archaeological findings to supplement their understanding of past events. Excavations and analysis of material remains can provide insights into ancient civilizations and cultures.

It is important to note that historians always strive to critically evaluate these sources, cross-reference information, and ensure that they are providing accurate and reliable accounts of history.

The historians who wrote state and national history books gathered information for their accounts from various sources. These sources can include local people who shared their personal stories and experiences, as well as historical markers that provide important details about specific events or locations. Historians may also draw information from legends and myths that have been transmitted through generations, although they typically approach these sources with caution, considering their potential for embellishment or inaccuracies. Additionally, historians often consult other history books and scholarly publications to gather information and build upon existing research. By cross-referencing multiple sources and critically analyzing the information, historians strive to create comprehensive and reliable accounts of the past.

so i was right??