Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley went out for dinner on Valentines Day. Their dinner bill came to $57.24. If they wish to leave a 15% tip, how much tip will they give?

To calculate the amount of tip they will give, you need to multiply the total bill by the tip percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the tip amount
15% of $57.24 = (15/100) * $57.24
= 0.15 * $57.24
= $8.59

Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley will give a $8.59 tip.

To calculate the tip amount, we need to multiply the dinner bill by the tip percentage. Let's start by converting 15% into a decimal by dividing it by 100:

15% = 15/100 = 0.15

Now, multiply the dinner bill by the tip percentage:

$57.24 * 0.15 = $8.59

Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley will give a tip of $8.59.

57.24 * .15 = ?