Which quotation from "Bone Detective" best shows that Diane France is very clever?

A. “If people want to really learn about the soldiers,” she said, “you have to show the bones.”
B. What an impossibly beautiful animal, Diane thought.
C. This, she decided, was one of the coolest things I have ever done.
D. “This guy smoked a pipe,” she explained. “He started on one side and then, when the pipe ground down the teeth, he had to switch to the other.”

The quotation from "Bone Detective" that best shows that Diane France is very clever is option D: "This guy smoked a pipe," she explained. "He started on one side and then, when the pipe ground down the teeth, he had to switch to the other."

To determine the best answer, we need to consider the context and evaluate Diane France's intelligence based on the information provided. In option D, Diane France demonstrates her cleverness by making an astute observation about the effect of smoking a pipe on the teeth. This indicates that she possesses knowledge and an ability to make deductions based on evidence.

In options A, B, and C, while they may highlight other attributes of Diane France, such as her dedication and appreciation for her work, they do not specifically showcase her intelligence or problem-solving abilities. Option D, on the other hand, stands out as an example of her analytical thinking, making it the best choice to demonstrate her cleverness.