Visual representation of an educational setting explaining gravitational force. Show two spherical objects representing the two bodies being referred to in the question. Firstly, visualize the variable distance between them with representations of closeness and distance demonstrating various gravitational effects. Secondly, depict an instance of changing mass of one object and its effects on the force. Represent the gravitational constant G in the context of the gravity formula and units of Newtons. Lastly, illustrate the concept of the uniform distribution of a gravitational field over a sphere.

1. What happens to the gravitational force between two objects if the distance between them triples?

A. The force increases by a factor of 3
B. The force decreases by a factor of 9
C. The force increases by a factor of 9
D. The force decreases by a factor of 3

2. By what factor does the gravitational force between two objects increase if one object doubles in mass and the distance between them decreases by half?
A. 4
B. 2
C. 8
D. 1

3. What must be the units for the gravitational constant G in order for gravitational force to have units of newtons?
A. m3/(kg2⋅s2)
B. m3/(kg⋅s)
C. m3/(kg⋅s2)
D. m3/(kg2⋅s)

4. What happens to the gravitation force between two objects that are 15 m apart, when one of them moves 3 m closer?
A. It increases by a factor of 1 1/4
B. It decreases by a factor of 1 1/4
C. It increases by a factor of 1 9/16
D. It decreases by a factor of 1 9/16

5. In thinking about the uniform distribution of a gravitational field over a sphere, why does gravitational force have an inverse-square relationship with the distance between objects?
A. because the volume of a sphere is proportional to its radius
B. because the volume of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius
C. because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius
D. because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to its radius

My answers:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D

Gravitational Attraction Quick Check:

1. B - The force decreases by a factor of 9.
2. C - 8
3. C - m3/(kg •s2)
4. B - It increases by a factor of 1 9/16.
5. D - because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of it's radius.

You a snitch!! :(

Thanks @No name

For two objects experiencing between them, the strength of the force increases as Response area increases, and decreases as Response area increases. pls help me

3 C

4 C
5 area = 4 pi r^2 and volume = (4 /3) pi r^3
like area = dV/dr = 3(4/3) pi r^2

No Name is 100% correct :)

You will be getting reported for CHEATING!!! Do not use these answers!!!