Justice warren agreed with Justice Frankfurter that being on the court changes a person's views. Why do you think that often happens?


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Where else does a person see such a huge variety of people and their problems? Also, determining the Constitutionality of complex issues must change the judge's views.

The idea that being on the court changes a person's views is known as the phenomenon of "the judicial shift." There are a few reasons why this shift can occur:

1. Institutional Influences: When justices become part of the Supreme Court, they become part of an institution that holds immense power and prestige. This can have an impact on their viewpoints as they may feel a sense of responsibility to uphold the integrity and authority of the Court. Justices may also feel pressure to align their opinions with the reputation and legacy of the Court.

2. Collegiality and Consensus-Building: Justices work together as a group, engaging in discussions, deliberations, and debates on various issues. These interactions with other justices can lead to a process of persuasion and compromise, often resulting in decisions that might differ from their initial inclinations. Consensus-building and finding common ground can play a role in shaping a justice's perspective.

3. Legal and Intellectual Influences: Serving on the Supreme Court exposes justices to a wider range of legal arguments and principles. They frequently review and evaluate cases involving complex legal issues, precedents, and constitutional interpretations. This immersion in legal scholarship and exposure to differing viewpoints can challenge their pre-existing beliefs, forcing them to reevaluate their positions.

4. Evolving Societal Context: Society is constantly evolving, and the Supreme Court is tasked with interpreting the Constitution in light of contemporary societal values. Justices may adjust their viewpoints to reflect changing societal realities and norms in order to maintain relevance and legitimacy.

Of course, it is important to note that not all justices experience a shift in their views. Some remain consistent in their ideologies throughout their tenure on the Court. The judicial shift is not a universal phenomenon, but it has been observed and discussed by legal scholars and commentators over the years.