What is the image point of -8,7 after translation right five units and up five units

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What is the image point of (-8,7) after a translation right 5 units and up 5 units?

What is the image point of (0,1) after a translation right 5 units and up 5 units?

Im confuzzled folks 💀

To find the image point after a translation, you need to apply the given translation to the original point.

In this case, the original point is (-8, 7).

To translate the point right five units, you add 5 to the x-coordinate (horizontal component) of the original point.
So, the new x-coordinate will be: -8 + 5 = -3.

To translate the point up five units, you add 5 to the y-coordinate (vertical component) of the original point.
So, the new y-coordinate will be: 7 + 5 = 12.

Therefore, the image point of (-8, 7) after translating it right five units and up five units is (-3, 12).

that would of course be (-8+5 , 7+5) = (-3,12)