When reading an autobiography, you’ll learn about the author’s life. So you need to understand the many factors that contribute to the author’s story. The author’s perspective is

the spoken or written account of a sequence of events***
. There are several devices that the author uses to reveal his or her beliefs toward a subject, including characters’ actions, choice of details, descriptions, and
word choice***


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To understand the author's perspective in an autobiography, you need to analyze the various factors that contribute to their story. The author's perspective refers to their spoken or written account of a sequence of events and their beliefs toward a subject.

Here are some devices that the author often uses to reveal their perspective in an autobiography:

1. Characters' actions: Pay attention to how the author portrays themselves and others in their narrative. The actions and behavior of characters can provide insights into the author's beliefs, values, and priorities.

2. Choice of details: Authors selectively include certain details in their autobiographies to convey specific messages or highlight particular aspects of their lives. By analyzing what details the author chooses to include and the ones they omit, you can better understand their perspective.

3. Descriptions: Authors often use descriptive language to vividly depict people, places, and events. By examining how the author describes certain elements, you can gain insight into their emotional connection or judgments related to those aspects.

4. Word choice: Pay attention to the language the author uses in their autobiography. Words can carry connotations and reveal the author's attitude or opinion towards the subject matter. Look for any patterns or recurring themes in their choice of words.

To understand the author's perspective fully, it is important to read the autobiography critically and consider the context in which it was written. Background information about the author's life, experiences, and the historical or cultural context can provide additional insights into their perspective.