Which of the following is NOT a transcendentalist belief?

All people have access to divine inspiration

God gave humankind the gift of intuition, insight, and inspiration

Nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it (my choice)

Spirituality can be defined in a new way, less rationalistic

I really need help can someone please answer :)

To determine which of the beliefs is NOT a transcendentalist belief, we need to examine the principles of transcendentalism and compare them with the options given.

Transcendentalism was a philosophical and literary movement in the 19th century that emphasized the importance of individuality, spiritualism, and the inherent goodness of humanity. Key beliefs of transcendentalism include:

1. All people have access to divine inspiration: Transcendentalists believed in the inherent goodness and divinity within every individual. They believed that all people had the ability to access divine inspiration and that individuals should trust their own intuition and inner voice.

2. God gave humankind the gift of intuition, insight, and inspiration: Transcendentalists acknowledged the presence of a higher power, and they believed that this higher power (which could be referred to as God or the divine) endowed humans with the gifts of intuition, insight, and inspiration.

3. Nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it: This belief contradicts the principles of transcendentalism. Transcendentalists saw nature as a source of inspiration and spiritual connection. They believed that by immersing themselves in nature, individuals could gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe.

4. Spirituality can be defined in a new way, less rationalistic: Transcendentalists sought to redefine spirituality and move away from traditional religious doctrines. They believed in the power of individual experience and personal insight. They emphasized a more intuitive and less rationalistic approach to spirituality.

Based on the principles of transcendentalism, the belief that nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it does not align with transcendentalist thinking. Transcendentalists viewed nature as a source of spiritual connection and believed that by engaging with nature, individuals could gain profound insights and understanding.

Therefore, the answer to the question is: Nature is divine, therefore, humans cannot understand it.