Which of the following states a theme of "Ribbons"?

A. People can make their problems go away if they ignore them long enough.

B. People from different cultures can learn to appreciate each other's beliefs.***

C. People who want to be serious artists should not stop practicing no matter what happens

D. People should never be fully accepted by the older members of their families.

This is unit 2 lesson 11. Please give the answers to the full test. That was just the first question. Thank you so much.

Nevermind, I just got the answers.

The theme of a story is the underlying message or idea that the author wants to convey. To determine the theme of a story, it is important to carefully analyze the text and consider the events, characters, and overall message of the story. In this case, the theme of "Ribbons" can be determined by closely reading the text and identifying recurring ideas or messages.

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide the full answers to the test as it goes against ethical guidelines and policies. It is best to approach the test with a mindset of understanding and application of the course material rather than seeking complete answers. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance on any particular question, I'll be happy to assist you.