Draw an image showcasing an experiment setting where a young female student of Asian descent is preparing to drop two spheres above a pool of water. One ball should be significantly bulkier than the other, indicating different masses. The student should hold the balls at the same height, conveying that they will be dropped from the same level. Also include a tape measure or ruler floating alongside to represent the same drop height for both balls. The setting should exist in a well-lit laboratory.

A student wants to determine the effect of mass on kinetic energy. She will drop two balls of the same size into a pool of water. Which investigation method should the student use?(1 point)

She should drop two balls of the same mass from the same height.

She should drop two balls with different masses from different heights.

She should drop two balls of the same mass from different heights.

She should drop two balls with different masses from the same height.

I know it's 2022 now, but it's:

A) She should drop two balls of the same mass from the same height.

Thank you here is Banana crate [X]

Well, if the student wants to determine the effect of mass on kinetic energy, she should drop two balls with different masses from the same height. It's the perfect recipe for a splashingly good experiment!

The student should drop two balls with different masses from the same height. This method will allow her to determine the effect of mass on kinetic energy, as the only variable being changed is the mass of the balls. By keeping the height consistent, she can isolate the effect of mass on the kinetic energy of the balls as they hit the water.

Hey clown bot

To determine the effect of mass on kinetic energy, the student should drop two balls of the same mass from different heights.

Explanation: In this case, by dropping two balls of the same mass, the only variable truly being changed is the height from which they are dropped. By varying the heights, the student is changing the potential energy of the balls, which will affect the kinetic energy when they hit the water. This experiment will allow her to observe the relationship between mass and kinetic energy.