that is the role of farmers in ancient Egypt during the old kingdom

? Could you try to rewrite the question more clearly, because I don't understand it..... wait have you summited it yet????

The high water reached the First Cataract (present-day Aswan) around September and the Nile Delta around October. The fertile soil left behind and abundant water produced bumper crops, which in turned filled the royal granaries and freed people to do things other than produce food. This was the engine that made the entire Egyptian civilization prosper.

In ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom, farmers played a crucial role in society. They were responsible for cultivating and harvesting crops, which formed the basis of the economy and provided sustenance for the population. Here's how you can find more information on the specific role of farmers during this period:

1. Research ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom: Begin by understanding the historical context of the Old Kingdom in ancient Egypt. This period, also known as the Pyramid Age, lasted from around 2686 to 2181 BCE. Gathering information about the overall social structure, economy, and agricultural practices during this time will provide a better understanding of the role of farmers.

2. Study ancient Egyptian agriculture: Explore the agricultural practices followed by ancient Egyptians, including farming techniques, tools, and the crops they grew. Investigate how the Nile River, with its annual flooding, played a significant role in facilitating successful agricultural practices and sustaining the farming communities.

3. Learn about the social hierarchy: Ancient Egyptian society had a structured hierarchy, and farmers occupied a lower status in the social order. Research the roles and responsibilities of various classes and professions during the Old Kingdom to understand where farmers fit within the broader social and economic landscape.

4. Analyze archaeological evidence: Look for archaeological findings and artifacts, such as paintings, sculptures, and written records, which provide insights into the daily lives of ancient Egyptian farmers. These archaeological discoveries can shed light on their working conditions, customs, and rituals associated with agricultural practices.

5. Explore scholarly sources and academic literature: Consult reputable scholarly sources, such as books, articles, and academic journals, to gain a more in-depth understanding of the role of farmers in ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom. University libraries, online databases, and academic websites are excellent resources for accessing this information.

Remember, learning about the role of farmers in ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom requires researching credible sources and studying various aspects of their society, economy, and agricultural practices. This interdisciplinary approach will provide comprehensive insights into the subject matter.

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