
A. Commutative property of addiction

B. Commutative property of multiplication

C. Associative property of addition**

D. Associative property of Multiplication

Is my answer correct???

no. that would be a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c

That leaves A as the only other choice. Inside the parentheses, addition is commutative.

No, your answer is not correct.

To identify the property, we need to understand the operations being performed and how they are related to each other. In the given equation, we have addition and parentheses indicating the order of operations.

The equation "a + (b + c) = a + (c + b)" involves the addition operation. The property that describes the order in which addition can be performed is the Associative Property of Addition, not the Commutative Property.

The Associative Property of Addition states that changing the grouping of numbers being added will not affect the result. In other words, regardless of how we group the numbers, the sum will stay the same.

In this case, the equation shows that we can regroup the numbers inside the parentheses without changing the sum. So, the correct answer is C. Associative property of addition.