Two places X and Y are 960km apart and X is due south of Y.If the latitude of X is 40N,find the latitude of Y.

1 degree of latitude is 111 km

so, 960km * 1°/111km = 8.65°


To find the latitude of Y, we need to determine the angular distance between X and Y.

Since X is due south of Y, the angular distance between them is equal to the distance from the equator, which is 90 degrees.

Therefore, the latitude of Y is 90 degrees north (N) of the equator.

To find the latitude of place Y, we need to consider that X is due south of Y.

We know that 1 degree of latitude is approximately 111 km. Therefore, if two places are 960 km apart, they are 960/111 = 8.65 degrees of latitude apart.

Since X is at latitude 40N, to find the latitude of Y, we subtract the number of degrees of latitude that X is apart from Y.

Latitude of Y = Latitude of X - Degrees of latitude apart
Latitude of Y = 40N - 8.65°
Latitude of Y = 31.35N

Therefore, the latitude of Y is approximately 31.35°N.