Ann is going to rent a truck for one day. There are two companies she can choose from, and they have the following prices.

Company A charges an initial fee of 60 and an additional 90 cents for every mile driven.
Company B charges an initial fee of 69.50 and an additional 80
cents for every mile driven.

A: 60.00 + 0.90x

B: 69.50 + 0.80x

Now all you have to do is come up with a question which these equations can help you answer.

To compare the prices of the two companies, we need to determine the total cost for Ann to rent a truck for one day using each company.

Let's say Ann plans to drive x miles.

For Company A, the total cost can be calculated using the following formula:
Cost_A = initial fee (60) + (additional cost per mile (90 cents) * number of miles driven (x))

For Company B, the total cost can be calculated using the following formula:
Cost_B = initial fee (69.50) + (additional cost per mile (80 cents) * number of miles driven (x))

Now, let's compute the total cost of renting a truck for different values of x to see which company offers a better deal.

For example, if Ann plans to drive 50 miles:
Cost_A = 60 + (0.90 * 50) = $105
Cost_B = 69.50 + (0.80 * 50) = $109.50

In this case, Company A is cheaper.

Similarly, you can calculate the total cost for different distances to make a more informed decision on which company offers the best deal based on your specific requirements.