How did the the Khmer civilization shape culture in Southeast Asia? Select the two correct answers.

innovated a feudal system based on the loyalty of samurai warriors

developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia

used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large-scale rice farming

introduced Islam via Indian Ocean trade routes

built vast Buddhist temple complexes

Guess it's just me and you huh.... Akward..

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The two correct answers are:

B. developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia

E. built vast Buddhist temple complexes

To determine which two options are correct, we need to evaluate the statements one by one:

A. The statement is incorrect. The Khmer civilization did not innovate a feudal system based on the loyalty of samurai warriors. The feudal system and samurai warriors are more closely associated with medieval Japan.

B. The statement is correct. The Khmer civilization did develop writing systems, such as Khmer script and Sanskrit, which spread throughout Asia and had a significant impact on the region's culture.

C. The statement is correct. The Khmer civilization used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large-scale rice farming. This agricultural innovation led to increased food production, the growth of cities, and the development of a prosperous society.

D. The statement is incorrect. The Khmer civilization did not introduce Islam via Indian Ocean trade routes. Islam was primarily spread in Southeast Asia by Arab and Indian traders.

E. The statement is correct. The Khmer civilization built vast Buddhist temple complexes, the most famous of which is Angkor Wat. These structures continue to be important cultural and religious sites in Southeast Asia.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answers are B. developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia, and E. built vast Buddhist temple complexes.