the energy which directs behavior in to productive areas originates in

1. instinct
2. emotion
3. drive reduction
4. leptin

my answer is 3 driven reduction



1 instinct

Your answer is correct. The energy which directs behavior into productive areas originates in drive reduction.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:
1. Instinct: Instinct refers to innate, fixed patterns of behavior that are specific to a particular species. While instincts can influence behavior, they do not directly originate the energy that directs behavior towards productive areas.
2. Emotion: Emotions play a role in behavior, but they are not the primary source of energy that directs behavior into productive areas.
3. Drive reduction: Drive reduction theory suggests that behavior is driven by the desire to satisfy physiological needs or reduce internal tension. This theory proposes that the energy that directs behavior comes from the need to satisfy these drives or reduce the associated tension. Therefore, this option is correct.
4. Leptin: Leptin is a hormone that regulates hunger and energy balance. While it is related to physiological processes, it is not the primary source of the energy that directs behavior into productive areas.

Considering all the options, drive reduction is the most accurate answer as it aligns with the idea that the energy motivating behavior is related to satisfying needs or reducing tension.