A survey found at 30 students in random sample of 150 students at the local high school own a portable CD player. The school has 1510 students. Predict how many of the students in the choir own a portable CD player

When I said choir it was school

1510 * 30/150 = 906

To predict the number of students in the choir who own a portable CD player, we can use the concept of proportionality. We'll assume that the proportion of students in the choir who own a CD player is the same as the proportion of students in the random sample who own a CD player.

First, let's find the proportion of students who own a CD player in the random sample. We can do this by dividing the number of students who own a CD player (30) by the total number of students in the random sample (150):

Proportion in random sample = (Number of students who own a CD player) / (Total number of students in the random sample)
Proportion in random sample = 30 / 150
Proportion in random sample = 0.2

Now, let's use this proportion to predict the number of students in the choir who own a CD player. We'll multiply the proportion in the random sample by the total number of students in the choir (which we'll assume to be less than or equal to the total number of students in the school):

Predicted number of choir students who own a CD player = (Proportion in random sample) * (Total number of students in the choir)

However, since we don't have the total number of students in the choir, we can't provide an exact prediction. The best we can do is provide a range, assuming that the number of students in the choir is between 0 and the total number of students in the school (1510):

Predicted range of choir students who own a CD player = (Proportion in random sample) * (Total number of students in the school)
Predicted range of choir students who own a CD player = 0.2 * 1510
Predicted range of choir students who own a CD player = 302

Therefore, we predict that the number of students in the choir who own a portable CD player is between 0 and 302.