Four people are painting a house. Zachary paints 15 of the house, Alyssa paints 33% of the house, Chloe paints 0.3 of the house, and Nicholas paints 0.17 of the house.

Which choice lists the people in order from least to greatest by the amount of the house each painted?

33% = 0.333

So the amounts are 0.15, 0.17, 0.30, 0.33

I think, since "15 of the house" is garbled.

To determine the people in order from least to greatest by the amount of the house each painted, we need to compare the fractions of the house that each person painted.

First, let's convert Alyssa's percentage into a fraction. Since 33% is equivalent to 33/100, Alyssa painted 33/100 of the house.

Now, let's list the fractions painted by each person:
- Zachary painted 15/100 of the house
- Alyssa painted 33/100 of the house
- Chloe painted 0.3 of the house, which is equivalent to 3/10
- Nicholas painted 0.17 of the house, which is equivalent to 17/100

Now, let's compare the fractions.

To compare fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are already the same, so we can compare the numerators directly.

Comparing the numerators, we have:
15 < 33 < 3 < 17

Now we know that Zachary painted the least, then Chloe, then Nicholas, and finally Alyssa painted the most.

Therefore, the correct order from least to greatest by the amount of the house each painted is:
1. Zachary
2. Chloe
3. Nicholas
4. Alyssa