A photograph shows the ruins of tiers of seats and the central arena inside a large ancient stadium in Rome.

Which words and phrases identify the location shown and the events that took place there? Select the three correct answers.

chariot races

Circus Maximus


drama and comedy

gladiator games

mock battles

political debates


gladiator games
and mock battles

The three correct answers are:

B. Circus Maximus
E. gladiator games
F. mock battles

The correct answers are:

A. Chariot races
B. Circus Maximus
E. Gladiator games

To identify the location shown in the photograph, we can rule out options C (Colosseum) and G (political debates) as the Colosseum is known for its distinctive circular shape and political debates typically take place in a different setting.

The correct answer to identify the location is B (Circus Maximus). The Circus Maximus was an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium located in Rome.

Additionally, the events that took place in the location shown in the photograph can be identified by the words and phrases associated with ancient Roman stadiums. While drama and comedy could potentially be performed in a stadium, it is less likely in this context. Mock battles may also take place in specific contexts, but they are not commonly associated with ancient stadiums.

The correct answers for the events that took place in the location are A (chariot races) and E (gladiator games). Chariot races were a popular form of entertainment in ancient Rome, and the Circus Maximus was a prime venue for such events. Gladiator games were also held in ancient Roman stadiums, providing entertainment through battles between trained combatants.

A. Chariot races

B. Circus Maximus
E. Gladiator games

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