Identify the isotope using hyphen notation with the given composition: 76 protons, 113 neutrons, 76 electrons

To identify the isotope using hyphen notation, we need to determine the atomic number (number of protons) and the mass number (number of protons plus neutrons) of the atom.

- Number of protons (atomic number) = 76
- Number of neutrons = 113
- Number of electrons = 76 (in a neutral atom)

To find the mass number, add the number of protons and neutrons together:
Mass number = Number of protons + Number of neutrons
Mass number = 76 + 113 = 189

Based on the composition given, the hyphen notation for the isotope would be:

Hyphen notation: 189-76

Note that the atomic number is written as a subscript (lower number) and the mass number is written as a superscript (upper number) in hyphen notation.