Without external forces, the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will have approximately ________ matching DNA sequences





I think 12.5%

that's wrong its 100%

Well, if we're talking about the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell, without any external forces involved, chances are they won't have matching DNA sequences at all. In fact, it's more like a game of DNA roulette! So, the answer is actually 0%. But hey, at least they can bond over their differences, right?

The correct answer is 100%.

Without external forces such as mutations or DNA rearrangements, the DNA sequences of the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell will match completely. This is because bacteria reproduce through a process called binary fission, which involves DNA replication and division of the cell into two identical daughter cells. Therefore, there will be 100% matching DNA sequences between the third generation bacterium and the original parent cell.

To determine the percentage of matching DNA sequences between the third generation of a bacterium and the original parent cell, we need to understand a concept called genetic recombination.

Genetic recombination is the process by which DNA sequences are shuffled and exchanged between two parental cells during sexual reproduction. This process results in the creation of new combinations of DNA sequences in the offspring.

In the context of your question, you mentioned that there are no external forces affecting the genetic makeup of the bacterium. Therefore, we can assume that there is no genetic recombination happening.

When a bacterium undergoes replication, the DNA in the offspring is usually an exact copy of the DNA from the parent cell. Therefore, the third generation of a bacterium will have identical DNA sequences to the original parent cell. This means that the percentage of matching DNA sequences between the third generation and the parent cell is 100%.

So, the correct answer to your question is 100%.