how does stacy attitude toward her grandmother change after her mother explains traditional chinese customs

To understand how Stacy's attitude toward her grandmother changes after her mother explains traditional Chinese customs, we need to analyze the situation from Stacy's perspective.

First, it is important to recognize that Stacy's initial attitude toward her grandmother might have been influenced by lack of understanding or unfamiliarity with Chinese customs. She might have viewed her grandmother's behaviors, traditions, or beliefs as strange or different.

When Stacy's mother explains traditional Chinese customs to her, it broadens Stacy's understanding of her grandmother's actions. By learning about the cultural significance behind certain behaviors, customs, or celebrations, Stacy gains insight into her grandmother's world and begins to see things from a different perspective.

As a result of this newfound knowledge, Stacy's attitude may evolve in several ways:

1. Appreciation for cultural heritage: Stacy may develop a deeper appreciation for her Chinese heritage and the value of preserving and understanding her family's customs.

2. Empathy and understanding: With a better grasp of her grandmother's background, Stacy may empathize with her struggles, sacrifices, and the challenges of adjusting to a new culture.

3. Respect and admiration: Learning about traditional Chinese customs allows Stacy to recognize the wisdom, knowledge, and strength embodied by her grandmother. This newfound respect for her grandmother's experiences may lead to a change in attitude.

4. Connection and bonding: Understanding traditional Chinese customs can foster a stronger bond between Stacy and her grandmother. Stacy may actively participate in family traditions or engage in conversations about cultural practices, leading to a deeper connection between the two.

It is important to note that the specific changes in Stacy's attitude may vary depending on her personal experiences, upbringing, and individual perceptions. However, by providing Stacy with a greater understanding of her grandmother's cultural background, learning about traditional Chinese customs can facilitate a positive shift in Stacy's attitude toward her grandmother.