I'm a little confused with this question about infinitives and infinitive phrases:

Choose the sentence that contains an infi. or an infi. phrase-
a.will you take the playbook back to coach?
b.Help me find your little sister's shoe please
c.to everyone at home, we sent our greetings from Canada.
d.Bookmark your favorite sites, and you can go back to them.

I'm confused between A, C, and D ..any help please? Thanks!

Nevermind I got it, it's B..the one i wasn't guessing!


LOL... you are right!!! "to" find is the infinitive direct object.

Certainly! Infinitives are verb forms in their basic form, usually preceded by the word "to." An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive and any accompanying words, such as adverbs, objects, or modifiers. Let's analyze the options you're confused about:

a. "Will you take the playbook back to coach?" - This sentence does not contain an infinitive or an infinitive phrase. It is a question formed using the future tense.

b. "Help me find your little sister's shoe, please." - This sentence also does not contain an infinitive or an infinitive phrase. It is a command or request to find something.

c. "To everyone at home, we sent our greetings from Canada." - This sentence contains an infinitive phrase: "to everyone at home." The infinitive phrase functions as an adverbial phrase modifying the verb "sent."

d. "Bookmark your favorite sites, and you can go back to them." - This sentence contains an infinitive: "bookmark." While it is not part of an infinitive phrase, it stands alone as an imperative verb. The "and" in the sentence connects the two imperatives.

So, the correct answer is option C: "To everyone at home, we sent our greetings from Canada." It contains an infinitive phrase.