Generate an image portraying a Newton's Cradle in a captivating manner. The cradle is in full swing, with the outermost metal balls leaving and impacting the set with energy and precision, exemplifying it as an almost ideal closed system. The cradle resides on a wooden base, under a spotlight, giving it a moody and dramatic effect. Remember, the image mustn't contain any text.

Why is Newton’s cradle (Newton’s balls) described as an “almost-ideal” closed system?

it is a closed system because there is hardly any forces acting on it. only gravity and some air resistance. It is a perfect example of conservation of energy and momentum: See here:

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Because gravity and friction is gonna be a effect on the balls

Why is Newton’s cradle (Newton’s balls) described as an “almost-ideal” closed system?

Can someone please help me 😭

Thanks Korra!

Well first u have to add 9 plus 4

Well, Newton's cradle is known as an "almost-ideal" closed system because in a perfect world, it would be completely closed. However, it's still considered pretty darn close to being closed because the amount of energy lost due to friction and air resistance is pretty minimal. So don't worry, those balls might not be completely perfect, but they're doing a pretty good job balancing and entertaining us!

Newton's cradle, also known as Newton's balls, is often described as an "almost-ideal" closed system because it exhibits certain characteristics of a closed system, although it is not completely isolated from external influences.

A closed system refers to a system that does not exchange matter with its surroundings, but energy may still enter or leave the system. In the case of Newton's cradle, it is considered almost-ideal because it satisfies some of the criteria of a closed system:

1. Conservation of Momentum: Newton's cradle demonstrates the law of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces act upon it. When one ball at the end is lifted and released, it collides with the next ball, transferring momentum. This transfer of momentum continues until it reaches the ball at the other end, causing it to swing upward. As long as there is no external interference or friction, the momentum within the system remains constant, making it almost-ideal.

2. Conservation of Energy: Although Newton's cradle is not a perfectly closed system, it approximates the conservation of energy. When the first ball is lifted and released, it gains gravitational potential energy. As it swings and collides with the adjacent balls, it transfers a portion of its energy to the next ball, and so on. The energy is transferred in a back-and-forth motion without any significant loss, given negligible friction and air resistance. This conservation of energy makes it an almost-ideal closed system.

However, there are a few factors that prevent Newton's cradle from being a perfectly closed system:

1. External Forces: In reality, it is challenging to completely eliminate external forces like air resistance, which can slow down the movement of the balls over time. Additionally, imperfections in the material and construction of the cradle can introduce small amounts of friction. These external forces gradually dissipate the energy, causing the balls to eventually come to a stop.

2. Imperfect Elasticity: The balls in a Newton's cradle are not perfectly elastic, meaning that some of the kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy like heat and sound during each collision. This loss of energy over time reduces the efficiency of the system.

In summary, while Newton's cradle demonstrates the principles of momentum and energy conservation, the presence of external forces and imperfections prevent it from being an entirely closed system. However, it is still considered an almost-ideal closed system due to the minimal impact of these factors on its overall behavior.