An airplane traveling east has a tailwind, and its speed is 550 + x mi/h. When the airplane flies west, it has a headwind and travels at 550 – x mi/h. If it takes 5 hours to travel from the West Coast to the East Coast of the United States and 6 hours to travel the same path from the East Coast to the West Coast, what is the value of x?

since distance = speed * time,

5(550+x) = 6(550-x)
so solve for x


To solve this problem, we will use the distance formula, which is:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's consider the first scenario when the airplane is traveling from the West Coast to the East Coast.

Given that the speed of the airplane (with a tailwind) is 550 + x mi/h, and it takes 5 hours to travel, we can write:

Distance = (550 + x) × 5

Now, let's consider the second scenario when the airplane is traveling from the East Coast to the West Coast.

Given that the speed of the airplane (with a headwind) is 550 - x mi/h, and it takes 6 hours to travel, we can write:

Distance = (550 - x) × 6

Since the distance remains the same in both scenarios (traveling from one coast to the other), we can set these two expressions equal to each other:

(550 + x) × 5 = (550 - x) × 6

Expanding the equation:

2750 + 5x = 3300 - 6x

Bringing like terms to one side:

5x + 6x = 3300 - 2750

11x = 550

Dividing both sides by 11:

x = 50

Therefore, the value of x is 50.