how would you describe the tone of the poem Planet on The Table by Wallace Stevens.

this is hard for me to do because i don't even understand the poem

P.S. Here's something on "tone:"

tone: The manner in which an author expresses his or her attitude; the intonation of the voice that expresses meaning. Tone is described by adjectives, and the possibilities are nearly endless. Often a single adjective will not be enough, and tone may change from chapter to chapter or even line to line. Tone is the result of allusion, diction, figurative language, imagery, irony, symbol, syntax, and style.


i 've already lookeed at all of those ...they don't help me understand the poem :(

Here is the whole substance of the poem.

"was glad he had written his poems.
They were of a remembered time
Or of something seen that he liked."

What would the "tone" be?

To describe the tone of the poem "Planet on The Table" by Wallace Stevens, we first need to understand the poem. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you analyze and comprehend the poem:

1. Read the poem multiple times: Begin by reading the poem slowly and attentively. Try reading it out loud to get a better sense of the rhythm and the sound of the words.

2. Identify the theme: Consider what the poem is about. "Planet on The Table" often centers around the contrast between the vastness of the universe and the ordinary, mundane aspects of human existence.

3. Examine the language and imagery: Pay attention to the specific words, phrases, and symbols used in the poem. Look for any recurring motifs, metaphors, or vivid descriptions that may evoke certain emotions or ideas.

4. Analyze the speaker's perspective: Consider the narrator's point of view. Is the speaker detached or emotionally invested? Is there a sense of wonder, skepticism, or irony in the way the poem is presented?

5. Consider the overall mood: Think about the dominant emotional atmosphere of the poem. Does it evoke a feeling of awe, melancholy, humor, or something else?

6. Look for indications of the tone: The tone of a poem refers to the attitude or emotional state of the speaker towards the subject matter or the audience. It can be conveyed through word choice, syntax, and overall style. Pay attention to whether the tone seems serious, playful, introspective, or contemplative.

Once you have completed these steps, you can then attempt to describe the tone of the poem. Use the insights gained from your analysis to support your interpretation of the poem's overall tone.