i don't see this in my book

in a coordinate system, a vector is oriented at angle theta with respect to the x-axis. The y component of the vector equals the vector equals the vector's magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function?

With vectors, the horizontal component (the x) is the force A x cos theta.

The verticl component (the y) is the force A x sin theta.

please help me how to answer the graphical method and analytical method in displacement with 200m north

To find the trigonometric function that represents the y-component of a vector oriented at an angle theta with respect to the x-axis, we can use basic trigonometry.

The y-component of the vector can be found by multiplying the vector's magnitude by the sine of the angle theta. Therefore, the trigonometric function that represents the y-component of the vector is the sine function.

In mathematical terms:

y-component = magnitude * sin(theta)

So, to find the y component of the vector, you can multiply the magnitude of the vector by the sine of the angle theta.

The sine function