Who were the first colonists in America?

This has been answered I think.

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I think you have to decide what is meant by 'the first colonists'.

who came first to america

From Siberia?

From Scandanavia?

From England?

From Spain?

You need to be specific.


The first colonists in America were the English settlers who arrived at the Jamestown settlement in Virginia in 1607. To find this answer, one could do the following:

1. Conduct a search on a reliable search engine such as Google.
2. Enter the query "first colonists in America."
3. Look for credible sources such as reputable history websites or books.
4. Read the information provided by these sources to confirm the answer.

Sources such as history textbooks, academic journals, or reputable websites like Encyclopedia Britannica or History.com can provide detailed information on the first colonists in America and their arrival at Jamestown.