Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

Prehistory is the time before:

A. modern human being existed
B. people left writing records
C. people created calenders
D. people began to study history

Im not good at this and im dumb please help REEEEEEEEEE

Heya! It is Tempest, coming out from math and education! And on to Social Studies. If you are on Connxus I suggest you use these answers!

1. People left written records
2. Serve on a jury- Responsibility, Equal Treatment- Right, Fair and speedy trail- Right, Stay informed- Responblity
3. Absolute Monarchy- Total Control, Authoritarian Doctor-ship- Total Control Democratic Government
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. The source could contain bias
Hope you use these to check ur answers! Luv ya 6th grade classmates!

For the ones who where confused number 3 for democratic government it is voting rights and consent of governed ik i spelled wrong but u get the jist

tempest and adopt me lover are 100% correct, i passed!! thank you!!!

The answer is people left writing records 100%

tempest is right


please hurry i gotta submit this soon -w-"


what do you mean on number 3

what id dumonic goverment