What does it mean to organize the concepts for a topic?(1 point)

creating a piece for the audience to read

presenting an idea or new information

finding a way to group the information

reading an audience and deciding on a strategy

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Organizing the concepts for a topic involves finding a way to group the information. To understand this concept, imagine you have a lot of information about a particular topic, but it's not organized or structured. The first step in organizing the concepts is to identify the main ideas or themes within the topic. For example, if you were writing a research paper on the benefits of exercise, some main ideas or concepts could be physical health, mental health, and social benefits.

After identifying the main ideas, the next step is to determine how they are related to each other. In other words, you need to find a logical way to group the information. You might decide to group the benefits of exercise based on their impact on different aspects of health, such as physical, mental, and social well-being. Alternatively, you could organize the concepts chronologically, discussing the short-term and long-term benefits of exercise.

By organizing the concepts, you provide a clear structure for your audience to understand the topic. This makes it easier for them to follow your ideas and grasp the overall message you are trying to convey. So, in summary, organizing the concepts for a topic means finding a logical way to group the information to present a cohesive and structured piece of work.

Synonyms for organize:

put in order, order, arrange, sort, sort out, assemble, marshal, put straight, group, dispose, classify, collocate, categorize, catalog, codify, tabulate, compile, systematize, systemize, regulate, regiment, standardize, structure, shape, mold,