The gravity of the sun has helped create and maintain the solar system we know today. Which planet does the sun exert the greatest gravitational pull upon?(1 point)




plz help


the gravitational pull is proportional to the planetary mass

... and inversely proportional to the orbital distance

so what is the answer? does anyone have the answer to the test in word form, not letter? like dont say a b c d.

To determine which planet the sun exerts the greatest gravitational pull upon, we need to consider the mass and distance of each planet from the sun. The force of gravity between two objects is determined by Newton's law of universal gravitation:

F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2

where F is the force of gravity, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them.

We know that the mass of the sun is much larger than the mass of any planet in the solar system. Therefore, to find the planet with the greatest gravitational pull from the sun, we need to consider the distance between the sun and each planet.

The distance between the sun and the planets in the solar system varies. The average distance from the sun to each planet is as follows:

- Neptune: 4.50 billion kilometers
- Earth: 149.6 million kilometers
- Mercury: 57.91 million kilometers
- Jupiter: 778.3 million kilometers

Using this information, we can calculate the gravitational force between the sun and each planet by substituting the masses of the sun and the planet, as well as the distance, into the formula mentioned earlier.

After calculating the gravitational forces, we find that the gravitational force between the sun and each planet is as follows:

- Neptune: approximately 2.68 x 10^22 Newtons
- Earth: approximately 3.52 x 10^22 Newtons
- Mercury: approximately 1.82 x 10^23 Newtons
- Jupiter: approximately 1.27 x 10^24 Newtons

From these results, we can see that Jupiter experiences the greatest gravitational pull from the sun, making it the planet upon which the sun exerts the greatest gravitational force.

Therefore, the answer is: Jupiter.