12)How would a book written by an anthropologist about an indigenous group of people be different from an autobiography of one of the people's elders?

13)Explain the difference between figurative meaning and literal meaning. Then, give an example of each.

I got this right plz don’t copy my work even tho y’all may 14( literal meaning means exactly what it says and figurative meaning means to describe something often through comparison with something different. Example of literal meaning is “that outfit is horrible” . Example of figurative meaning is “ I would have never thought of putting that outfit together”. Yw

Thxs connexus kid

dude if we dont let u cheat then dont call us mean things

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UwU says: you have to explain in your own words.

12) A book written by an anthropologist about an indigenous group of people would typically provide an objective and scholarly perspective, based on extensive research and analysis. The anthropologist would likely document various aspects of the group's culture, history, customs, beliefs, and practices using a scientific and comparative approach. The focus would be on presenting a comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of the group as a whole, often including comparisons with other similar societies.

On the other hand, an autobiography of one of the people's elders would offer a highly personal and subjective account of their own life experiences within the indigenous group. The elder might share anecdotes, memories, and reflections that provide insights into their cultural heritage, societal changes, and individual history. Autobiographies tend to focus on the unique perspective and individual narrative of the author, highlighting personal experiences, emotions, and beliefs.

While the anthropologist's book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the group from an external viewpoint, the elder's autobiography offers a more personalized and intimate glimpse into the life of a specific individual within the group.

13) Figurative meaning and literal meaning are two different ways in which language can be used to convey information.

Literal meaning refers to the straightforward, dictionary definition of a word or phrase. It is the actual, factual meaning without any figurative interpretation. For example, if one says, "it is raining cats and dogs," the literal meaning would be that it's raining heavily, whereas the figurative meaning (explained next) would look beyond the literal words used.

Figurative meaning involves using words or phrases in a metaphorical or symbolic sense to communicate a different idea or concept. It goes beyond the literal interpretation and relies on understood metaphors and cultural associations. For example, if we say someone has a "heart of gold," we are not referring to their physical heart but rather describing their kindness or generosity.

In summary, literal meaning is the plain, factual meaning of words, while figurative meaning involves the use of words in a symbolic or metaphorical way to convey a different concept or idea.