The movement of oxygen molecules over time from one side of the semipermeable membrane to the other side is known as

A) osmosis.
B) diffusion.
C) plasmolysis.
D) active transport.
The boxes show parts of the body at different levels of organization.

What statement about the chart is true?
A) P is at the highest level of organization.
B) Q is at the lowest level of organization.
C) R is at the highest level of organization.
D) S is at the lowest level of organization.

What is the function of DNA and where is it found in a eukaryote cell?
A) sexual reproduction:ribosomes
B) controls respiration:mitochondria
C) regulates all cell activity:nucleus
D) pass of like traits:endoplasmic reticulum
How is a eukaryotic cell different from a prokaryotic cell?
A) It has DNA.
B) It is smaller.
C) It is living.
D) It has a nuclear membrane.

This simple bacteria cell has the same structure as more complex cells. It controls what comes in to and leaves the cell and also maintains homeostasis. It is the
A) capsule.
B) cytoplasm.
C) membrane.
D) wall.

Your eyes. They are made of many different parts. Each part has a special job in helping you to see.

How would you describe the cells that make up the parts of your eye?
A) Each part of the eye is made up of identical cells.
B) The parts of the eye are made of the same cells that make up our skin.
C) Each part of the eye is made of special cells that help with a certain job.
D) The eye is not made up of cells. Instead it is made of tissues and each tissue has a special job.
~convert energy
~have its own DNA
~found in almost all cells
~enclosed by two membranes
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have similarities and differences. All BUT one of the characteristics on the list above are similarities between mitochondria and chloroplasts. That is
A) convert energy.
B) have its own DNA.
C) enclosed by two membranes
D) found in almost all cells.

This organelle is found in plant cells. The function of this organelle is to collect solar energy and use this to produce food, or glucose, for the plant. This organelle is the
A) leucoplast.
B) chloroplast.
C) mitochondrion.
D) Golgi apparatus.
Your science teacher asks you to build a model of a cell. The model should look like a city, and buildings in the city should represent parts of a typical cell. Each building's real-life function should be like the function of the organelle it represents. For example, the vacuole of a cell, which stores water, could be a water tower in your cell city model.
Explain which building should represent the nucleus?
A) factory:manufacturing
B) city hall:control center
C) power plant:provides energy
D) highways and streets:transportation

Cara and Chuck were looking at pond water through a microscope. They saw this image. Cara wondered what it was. Chuck said it had to be a living thing because it was
A) green.
B) moving.
C) made of cells.
D) round throughout.

Maria and Sam are studying about cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems in the human body. This is a picture of the human digestive system. Each part is a different color. Each part does something different during the process of digestion.
Even though each part of the digestive system is different, each part is also alike. What is one thing that each part shares with the others?
A) Each part contains organs.
B) Each part of the system is made of cells.
C) Each part breaks down food into smaller pieces.
D) Each part of the digestive system is made of exactly the same cells.
All organisms begin life as a ____________ cell.
A) embryonic
B) haploid
C) larval
D) single

One of the differences between a plant and animal cell can be found surrounding the outer cell structure of the plant cell. This part of the plant cell is made of specialized sugars called cellulose. It provides structure and support to the plant cell. What is this structure?
A) cell wall
B) cytoplasm
C) chlorplast
D) mitochondria
Which two structures are not found in animal cells?
A) vacuoles and ribosomes
B) chloroplasts and ribosomes
C) cell walls and chloroplasts
D) endoplasmic reticulum and cell walls
When two solvents are separated by a semi-permeable membrane, water flows from low solute concentrations to high solute concentrations. What would happen if external pressure is applied to the solution with higher solute concentration?
A) The semi-permeable membrane will lose its activity.
B) Water will stop flowing across the semi-permeable membrane.
C) Water will flow more freely across the semi-permeable membrane.
D) The concentration of solute will become equal on both sides of the membrane.
Substances like oxygen pass through the cell without the use of energy and move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. This process is called
A) osmosis.
B) filtration.
C) active transport.
D) passive transport.
In a prokaryotic cell, most ribosomes are
A) in the nucleus.
B) attached to the ER.
C) attached to the nucleus.
D) floating freely in the cytoplasm.
The human body is composed of cells, organs, organ systems, and tissues. How are these organized?
A) Groups of cells form tissues.
B) Groups of organs form tissues.
C) Groups of organ systems form tissues.
D) Groups of tissues form organ systems.

Multicellular organisms must be protected from the external environment. Because of this, cells of even the simplest multicellular organisms are arranged to form an external barrier of
A) cellular tissue.
B) epithelial tissue.
C) connective tissue.
D) interstitial tissue.

What is the function of the organelle labeled C in the diagram?
A) control center of the cell
B) storage spaces in the cell
C) gel-like fluid that fills most of the cell
D) controls what goes into and out of the cell
It has been proposed that mitochondria and chloroplasts are modern descendants of early prokaryotic cells that began to reside and gradually evolve within primitive cells.

Which statement supports this view?
A) mitochondria and chloroplasts both have prokaryotic ribosomes
B) mitochondria and chloroplasts cannot conduct protein synthesis
C) prokaryotic cells, mitochondria, and chloroplasts are void of any DNA
D) mitochondria and chloroplasts are found in all modern prokaryotic cells
Animal cells contain all of the following structures EXCEPT a
A) nucleus.
B) cell wall.
C) mitochondria.
D) Golgi apparatus.
It is thought that organelles of eukaryotic organisms, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts (in plant cells) came from
A) protists.
B) mutations.
C) prokaryotes.
D) random events.

The cell wall is tough, flexible and fairly rigid layer that surrounds some types of cells. It is located outside the cell membrane and provides cells with structural support and protection. All BUT ONE type of organism has cells with cell walls. That is a(n)
A) animal.
B) bacteria.
C) fungus.
D) plant.

What is the function of the organelle labeled A in the diagram?
A) controls what goes into and out of the cell
B) gel-like fluid that fills most of the cell
C) controls everything the cell does
D) storage spaces in the cell

Can someone anwser?


1) The movement of oxygen molecules over time from one side of the semipermeable membrane to the other side is known as B) diffusion.

2) The statement about the chart that is true is B) Q is at the lowest level of organization.
3) The function of DNA in a eukaryotic cell is C) regulates all cell activity and it is found in the nucleus.
4) A eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell because it has D) a nuclear membrane.
5) The part of the simple bacteria cell that controls what comes in and out of the cell and maintains homeostasis is C) the membrane.
6) The cells that make up the parts of the eye are best described as C) each part of the eye is made of special cells that help with a certain job.
7) The characteristic on the list above that is NOT a similarity between mitochondria and chloroplasts is D) found in almost all cells.
8) The organelle found in plant cells that collects solar energy and produces food, or glucose, for the plant is B) chloroplast.
9) The building that should represent the nucleus in a cell city model is B) city hall: control center.
10) Chuck said the image they saw in the microscope had to be a living thing because it was C) made of cells.
11) One thing that each part of the digestive system shares with the others is B) each part of the system is made of cells.
12) All organisms begin life as a D) single cell.
13) The structure surrounding the outer cell structure of a plant cell that provides structure and support is A) cell wall.
14) The two structures not found in animal cells are C) cell walls and chloroplasts.
15) When external pressure is applied to the solution with higher solute concentration, C) water will flow more freely across the semi-permeable membrane.
16) The process in which substances like oxygen pass through the cell without the use of energy and move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is B) diffusion.
17) In a prokaryotic cell, most ribosomes are D) floating freely in the cytoplasm.
18) Groups of cells form tissues, so the statement that best describes how cells, organs, organ systems, and tissues are organized is A) groups of cells form tissues.
19) Cells of even the simplest multicellular organisms are arranged to form an external barrier of B) epithelial tissue.
20) The function of the organelle labeled C in the diagram is B) storage spaces in the cell.
21) The statement that supports the view that mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendants of early prokaryotic cells is A) mitochondria and chloroplasts both have prokaryotic ribosomes.
22) The structure that is NOT found in animal cells is B) cell wall.
23) It is thought that organelles of eukaryotic organisms, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, came from C) prokaryotes.
24) All BUT ONE type of organism has cells with cell walls, and that is A) animal.
25) The function of the organelle labeled A in the diagram is D) storage spaces in the cell.