which sentence from this excerpt best illustrates frederick douglass use of strong adjectives and verbs

none shown, and the choices you omitted almost certainly had nothing to do with math.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the given excerpt and identify sentences that demonstrate Frederick Douglass' use of strong adjectives and verbs. Since the excerpt is not provided, I will explain the general approach to finding sentences with strong adjectives and verbs in a text.

1. Read the entire excerpt: Start by carefully reading the given excerpt, paying attention to the language and tone used by Frederick Douglass.

2. Look for vivid adjectives: Strong adjectives are descriptive words that create a vivid image in the reader's mind. Scan the text for sentences that contain adjectives with intense or powerful connotations. Look for words that evoke specific emotions or emphasize the qualities being described.

3. Identify forceful verbs: Strong verbs are action words that convey intention, intensity, or impact. Look for verbs that are dynamic, energetic, and convey a sense of determination or power. These verbs might involve physical action or carry a metaphorical weight.

4. Compare and select: Once you have identified sentences containing strong adjectives and verbs, compare them, and consider which one best exemplifies Frederick Douglass' use of language. Look for sentences that demonstrate his commanding style, evoke strong emotions, or leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Remember that without the actual excerpt, it is impossible to provide a specific sentence. However, by following the steps outlined above, you should be able to identify the sentence that best illustrates Frederick Douglass' use of strong adjectives and verbs in the given text.