Debbie’s age is 40% of her father’s age. Ten years ago from now, Debbie’s age will be 50% of her father’s age. How old are Debbie and her father now?

If the father's age is f, then

.40f + 10 = .50(f+10)
Father = 50
Debbie = 20

To find the ages of Debbie and her father, let's start by assigning variables to represent their ages.

Let D be Debbie's age and F be her father's age.

According to the problem, "Debbie’s age is 40% of her father’s age." can be written as D = 0.4F.

"Ten years ago from now, Debbie’s age will be 50% of her father’s age." can be written as D - 10 = 0.5(F - 10).

Now we have two equations:

Equation 1: D = 0.4F
Equation 2: D - 10 = 0.5(F - 10)

To solve the equations, we can substitute Equation 1 into Equation 2:

0.4F - 10 = 0.5(F - 10)

Now, let's simplify and solve for F:

0.4F - 10 = 0.5F - 5

0.5F - 0.4F = -5 + 10

0.1F = 5

F = 5 / 0.1

F = 50

Now, substitute the value of F back into Equation 1 to find Debbie's age:

D = 0.4F
D = 0.4 * 50
D = 20

Therefore, Debbie's age now is 20 and her father's age is 50.